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I'm getting real close to finishing Tomb of Annihilation! Here is the Soul Monger, Atropal, and Acererak that I completed recently though. Free stl's are here: 

Soulmonger - https://www.shapeways.com/product/NC44JKXNW/the-soulmonger

Atropal - https://www.shapeways.com/product/DHT9W2JAF/atropal

Acererak - https://www.shapeways.com/product/UUFR8HZNV/acererak 

Only four more models to go and then comes the big gallery :-D . You can find the full files in the TOA folder in the Share Drive as usual :-D




That sure is something else. Freaky!!


Atropal looks like the residue from a clogged nozzle and it just makes him all the more spooky


What’s next after ToA? Waterdeep?


Hey Miguel! I'm just gonna print the Soulmonger for our group now since next session we will be there. How did you make the tentacles bend like that, since on shapeways it seems like they are straight pieces?


Hello! First off thank you for your support. You heat them up with a hot hair dryer and warp / shape them until they look the way you want them to. Hot PLA acts like clay when heated up.