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Here is another fun model request from the board! You can find the full files in the main Google Drive under Adventurers - Monks. 

Stl here too:  https://www.shapeways.com/product/ZSFE986WC/kenku-monk-with-staff  

Onto the next challenge! 




Been printing some of these and having a ton of fun so far. I want to learn some basics of Blender so that I can put your designs in different poses... so groups of the same creatures all look a bit different. Do you have any recommendations/resources for how to learn to pose/modify your models? After spending a night futzing with Blender and watching some videos, I've realized this currently seems daunting. Any pointers are appreciated :)


I made some tutorials on YouTube. But I couldn't really think of any specific channel. I say look up rigging and going from there.

Michael Münch

Nice one ^^. Reminds that a player wants to play a drunken master monk goblin xD


Its on my main Patreon page, four paragraphs down in my introduction :-)