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Per a patron request I updated my old Bone Devil model. It should now print as one piece FDM wise, though your support game needs to be strong for the fingers and claws. Resin you can print him tilted 45 degrees to his back and he should be good. 

You can find the full files in the D - Devils - Bone Devil folder, where its labeled Bone Devil Sculpted. Wyrmlings you can find the files here:   https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2806162 

I'll see you all tomorrow when I stream more modeling :-D 




Definitely going to have to test that.


first attempt had the wings crash again. FDM supports just didn't do enough to help. Attempting a new run with it rotated and partially on its back/side. (Y90, X-70,Z0). Not had time to inspect whether the rest of it came out right.


first attempt definitely needs reassembly and a few new wings. Second attempt also has partially crashed wings


https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/287720687655976970/596741468761358337/20190705_183656.jpg As can be seen, they did not remain intact during support purge. Wings definitely have a tendency to fail.


Hello. Are you using Danny's settings? You might be printing too fast. If you haven't I recommend checking this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaE7YPvh4E8&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3NFASoh7MLpv_GTzKZzLywa1Hziqyk7PwgOmQ03uwH5-TvotsyFLLsCgQ


I think I'll need to size him up regardless. Legs look too weak


Ok updated it. Its bigger and more impressive now haha


gonna extract the wings and print some of those separately to reattach to the two versions we've printed so far. The legs tend to break around the knees, while the arms tend to break somewhere on the upper arms.. the tail tends to break in one or more of the joints. We did note that the wings didn't seem to get their supports correctly