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Here he is, now ready to bring justice (sort of) to our next game :-D He wasn't too hard to paint though big eyes are always a challenge. Jen did an amazing job as usual removing supports for me. I printed him on his back with a ton of supports and printed the wings separately. 

You can find the full files in MTOF folder. You can also find both versions here: 






I would LOVE to see the before-supports-removed shots. Gives us mortals hope when we can see what is possible.

Alexander Cribb

This link won't let me download. It keeps failing

Alexander Cribb

I was. I tried both links neither would download. I'll try it again in the morning


Hello. I tried it just now and it worked fine. I'm not sure what's wrong on your end. I guess you can restart your browser and go from there. Sorry friend.


I just attached the files to this post. You should be able to download it from here.

Alexander Cribb

It downloaded. Thank you so much