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My next task when it comes to updating my old files will be to revisit the Modrons! First up is the Monodrone. This fella should print fine as is IF your support game is strong, However for FDM I recommend printing him on his back. I even angled the wings to make it easier from that angle. For resin just tilt him back a few degrees so the fingers are pointed upward some what so no supports are needed there. 

Full files are in the M - Modron files. You can find the stl here too:  https://www.shapeways.com/product/3L9LYNJ25/monodrone-updated  

Next up is the Duodrone!




Nice! I was hoping you would get here eventually. I will also unofficially request eventual modeling of the higher modrons from old editions, I will want to run a modron march campaign someday

Paul Stansel

So awesome just started a clockwork campaign and Modrons will feature heavily!


Better get my superglue redy