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Here is the Fishfolk Cleric I made for the winner of last month's printing and painting contest! You can find the files in the Adventurers - Clerics folder. You can find him here too: 


Hmmm I'll need to think of a new theme for the next contest. I think I have an idea actually....



Jared Hansen

That's fun, those whiskers would be a hard ask on FDM... could probably greenstuff them back on though


If you tilt him back and have the whiskers pointed upward with no supports touching them you might be ok. But yeah green stuff is great in case they don't make it.

Jared Hansen

Could work. Any chance you could thicken the staff? Just to make it easier to glue back on when I accidentally knock it off


Already did. I just attached the Blender file to this post if you want to thicken it further.