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Here is the fallen Angel Zariel from this amazing book! I've uploaded versions of her with and without weapons to give you options on how to print her. Regardless she will print best on her back with supports and a raft. 

You can find the full files in the Baldurs Gate: Descent Into Avernus folder. You can find the stl here too:  https://www.shapeways.com/product/FKH6GPQJD/archduke-zariel-of-avernus  

Also here is a version with her missing her hand: 


Onto the next challenge! 




WOW! cannot wait to see what you do with the model for Lashpera, The Opal Goddess.


Just queued this up this morning. I'll let you know how it comes out!


Nice work! She's supposed to be inserted on the flying creature marker in the same folder.


https://imgur.com/a/Vl1qHU4 done mine 2 days ago ! Needed to cut the wings on my photon to fit her but the result is great ! Thanks wanted this mini so bad but it was so expensive.

Deneb Edwards

A little rough still from the supports but here she is. https://photos.app.goo.gl/X4BUnxbG5A8whnbGA


I just printed her. I can't wait to paint this one. And get her on my table!!! https://photos.app.goo.gl/8UZyQMxcDRYhtEg39


The download keeps failing on Shapeways. I don't suppose you have another link somewhere? (I've tried Firefox and Chrome, both fail after downloading 22-24MB). The Angel Zariel works, but neither of the Fallen Angel ones do :/


Hello. I'm sorry but it works fine on my end. I will attach the files directly to this post so you can download it from this page.


Hello again. Its now attached directly to this link. Sorry the site wasn't working on your end. Again it worked fine here so there may be network issues on your end.


Thank you! It's not the first time I've had issues with ShapeWays. It may be my network (I do have slow internet, but no reason why it can't download 20MB) but no idea. Thank you for adding them as an attachment :)