Month of the Dragon: The Blue Dragon is ready! (Patreon)
Whew! This was a nearly 10 hour project but I'm happy its completed and I'm satisfied with the results! Here is the Blue Dragon now updated! I made flying versions for each age, and you can swap poses as needed.
For FDM I've oriented the files for optimal printing with supports. I've also split up the files too. The Young Terrestrial can be printed as is though, so I didn't split that one up. For resin I've also uploaded presupported files. There are no presupported files for the Ancient models though... its just too massive for a resin printer lol
Full files are in D - Dragons - Chromatic Dragons - Blue Dragon. You can find them here too:
Important Update:
Tomorrow is my monthly Army Reserve Training so I won't be creating any new content until Monday. Take care and stay safe friends :)