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Hello friends. First off thank you so much for your support as I continue to create free 3D printable minis for the world to enjoy! This month I'm back to updating my Monster Manual minis, starting with the Metallic Dragons! I'll make sure to create terrestrial and flying versions for each, and will also make sure they are both FDM and resin friendly. 

Rime of the Frostmaiden minis

While the Metallic Dragons are my main focus this month I'll see about making a few more from this amazing book when I have time. Its a pretty wild book with some insane creatures so its very hard to resist haha.

Painting Contest

Thanks to everyone who took part in last month's contest! I've messaged the winners and am looking forward to their requests. This month's theme will be Dragons! I'll make a post soon on this so you guys can submit your pieces, but I figured you guys should know the theme now to get a head start :)

Your Requests

As with previous months, once I'm done with contest winner requests I'll work off of the Request Board every couple of days. I'm looking forward to what silly things will come from this never-ending list!

The 3D Modeling Beholder 

One of my patrons, Edwin, went ahead and made a 3D model that depicts me if I were a beholder. Which I'm not mind you. I'm a human male. Ahem. Anyway the free stl links for this silly model are attached to this post haha. 

Once again, Thank You!

Jen and I really appreciate you all and your kind words of support during our family emergency last month. Things have calmed down some and we're doing ok. You are all a part of a really wonderful community and we just want to thank you all again. 

And with that onto the next 3D modeling for 3D printing challenge! Take care and stay safe my friends. 



And you as well.