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Next up on my MM updates is the Bone Naga! 

So, not gonna lie, this is not an easy print, even for resin printers. I did my best to make a pressupported file that got everything but its still tough. FDM obviously is a challenge too unless your support settings are on point. But this is just the nature of skeleton based minis. I did print the old one a while back so it def can be done. 

Full files are in Monster Manual - N - Naga. Next up is the Spirit Naga! I'll get on that next week after the holiday. Stay safe folks! 




It looks rad. I might print in clear and add some permanent supports that stay on it forever when I get around to this.


one of the ones that might be fun to print even when you don't need it

Paul Guy

Just a thought for people, it might print more reliably if it's rotated so the spines mostly point up and down. Haven't tried this one, but I generally rotate my prints so pointy bits print perpendicularish to the plate.


Will this be included in the commercial tier?


Unfortunately no. It's not listed in the DnD SRD PDF so it's not safe for commercial use. Please only use this for personal use.