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Hello friends! Today I present to you all of the Oozes now updated! Some of these weren't very difficult to update given they're ... well... piles of goop. Some however needed a complete revamp and took more time than expected. I'm rather proud of the Gelatinous Cube which you can place on top of a regular 28mm mini with no issues. It should be thick enough to print well in clear resin but thin enough so you can see what's inside haha. 

If you print these in FDM you shouldn't need supports. For resin I've supplied the presupported files as usual. Full files are in Monster Manual - O - Ooze

Next up are the Orcs! Stay tuned friends :) 




You should make a version like the official ones that have room to stand a mini in the center to represent an "engulfed" mini.


Well the gelatinous cube is just that. The other oozes, per the monster manual, can't engulf so I'll leave them as is. You're welcome to change the files as you like tho. That's why I supply the Blender files. Thanks for the feedback :)


Thought for when you get to the oblex. Have a space on oblex mini to place another mini on the outside to represent its mimicry


That's perfect! There's a cube in my next game! Thanks!

Elia Seubert

Cant wait for the orcs !!!