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Hello friends! Today I updated my Otyugh! This big fella's full files are located in Monster Manual - O -Otyugh! For FDM I recommend pointing the mouth upward so no supports are needed in the teeth. For resin I posted a presupported model as usual. 

Also as I bonus I thought I'd share with you my Hoplites now ready for my Theros game :). In our game there are two NPCs, a male and female, that are from Meletis and Akroas. They tolerate each other given they want to ensure the PCs succeed in their mission of saving the world. The players have over time shipped them so who knows maybe love will bloom lol. 




Where is the female version located? I found the male version but not the female version. Awesome work btw!


Never mind, I found it on the Google Drive, it's not in the Mega drive folder which is where I was originally looking.

Robert Bersch

ooh nice Otyugh! I always thought it would go 2 foot forward and one in the back but I have seen other models with the opposite set up. Very cool looking.