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Hello friends! Today I worked on the request board which actually had a request for Harengons! Pretty timely request haha. To start the process I made a base Harengon that's rigged up and ready to go. Its in the 1 Basics - Rigged Base Bodies folder. Then from there I made the four basic adventurers. These are the four classics that you can make a variety of other adventurers off of with some weapon and gear swapping, so as folks request other options it shouldn't be too hard to make it happen. 

To find the following adventurers they are in Adventurers - corresponding class folder - other. Given the Harengon is not listed in the DnD SRD this is not available for commercial use. 

Harengon Fighter - good ol' sword and board. Everyone loves em. If you want to swap weapons though the rest are located in 1 Basics - Weapons_Tools Props

Harengon Wizard - I'm really happy I rigged up the ears. Its just so damn cute lol. Easily can be turned into a druid with the hat and spell book / chains removed. 

Harengon Cleric - easily could be turned into a Paladin with a longsword swap :)

Harengon Rogue - can also be turned into a ranger, bard, or warlock with some weapon and staff swaps :D

I'll eventually have to make a two handed weapon pose for the barbarian or other heavy weapon variants, but I think these four are a great start. As folks request more of these I have a nice starting point. Anyway tomorrow is an Appendix update day so expect some cool updated animals! See you then! 




Is there going to be anything for commercial use this month besides the Appendix updates?


Sure when patrons request something and it's safe I put it in there.

Hunter Stoneking

How about some lady bunnies 🐰 (my wife wants to play a harengon next campaign)


These are great! Are you planning on doing anymore Witchlight stuff?


Sure put that on the request board and I'll eventually get to them :).


Eventually. Depends on how you guys vote after I finish the Monster Manual Appendices.

Mike Kelley

I’d love more Witchlight stuff!


Thank you for this! :)


I am running a harengon bard based on Schoolhouse Rock's Lucky Seven Sampson. Would love to see a bard with a drum from you :D (My character utterly HORRIFIED the tortle clockwork sorcerer based on Mr Rogers when she sang "I've never done a whole day's work in my life but everything seems to turn out right 'cause I was born 'neath a lucky star!")