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Hello friends! Today I completed four more requests from the Request Board! I made: 

Space Tentacle Elephant - As much as I'd love to make Starfinder models, the publisher never got back to me on whether I can or can't. So here is a generic remake of one of the monsters from that universe! Full files in Sci-Fi Horror Folder. 

Tortle Barbarian with horn and axe - I love making Tortles! It was fun making this one :D . Full files in Adventurers - Barbarians - Other Barbarians. 

Goblin Wizard - just a fun little remix work. But who doesn't want a Wiz-gobo? Full files in Adventurers - Wizards - Other Wizards. 

Swarm of Rats - I was eventually going to get to this one given I'm updating my Appendix A models now. But hey this should be easier to print resin wise now. 

Ok that's all for now! Back to more Appendix A updates tomorrow! 




Love that rat swam!!!

Joshua Foley

Hey Miguel, another Patreon I back who specializes in Pathfinder models did a dive into Paizo's terms and conditions. Their community use policy is here: https://paizo.com/community/communityuse Basically it looks like you're good to go as long as it's free. Specifically, it says: "You are allowed to accept donations on platforms like Patreon and to generate advertising revenue via YouTube, Twitch, and web ads." I think you would need to add this text to the downloads: "[This website, product name, Twitch show title, etc.] uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., used under Paizo's Community Use Policy (paizo.com/communityuse). We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. [This website, product name, Twitch show title, etc.] is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo. For more information about Paizo Inc. and Paizo products, visit paizo.com."

Gabriel Lopossa

These are really good! I really like the space elephant it feels new and different.