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Hello friends! Here are four more Appendix A updates! Most of the Giant Animals in Appendix A are pretty easy scaling up projects, but some, like the crab and centipede, need a lot more work once they're bigger. I'm pretty happy with these four I was able to work on today :)

Full files are in Monster Manual : Appendix A in all drives. The internet is slow here so please give it a few hours before its loaded up. Public link here 




Weird I was just looking for a Giant Centipede?! Quick Question: Do you have versions of your models without the bases? I'd prefer to put the models on a more decorative base, and also be able to adjust the thickness and style?


No sorry. You can easily make a model base free by opening it in Blender, selecting the base, deleting it, then exporting your new stl

Gabriel Lopossa

The centipede and crab are both very finely detailed. The diamond pattern on the serpent is very consistent. Wonderful work.


You wouldn't happen to have a hyena


I do. It's old but it'll still look good given its a small creature