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Hello everyone! Today is the last day to vote on my next big project!  Below you have a wide selection to choose from, varying from D&D books, books from publishers I have a good relationship with, or some personal projects I'd like to take on. Given there are plenty of good options below you're welcome to vote for more than one.

Keep in mind that not every single book and option out there is listed below for various reasons. Pathfinder isn't an option as the publisher didn't show any interest in me doing their works. I also won't be doing Critical Role content because I was asked not by those heavily involved in the creation of official CR content. I want to respect the wishes of the cast of CR by not making content from their works and I'm sure you all understand this. 

So with that vote away! Until this poll is complete I'll work on requests all of next week. Take care friends and thanks again for your support! 



My main interest is commercial. Are there even any books there that would be acceptable for commercial use?


No sorry, but that's why I'll still work on requests to mix things up.


In that case my vote is none of the above. :(

Leon Stratton

Just a note- MZ has no control over this, but still found a way to get those models to us for personal use. Thanks, MZ!

Paul Guy

Wizards/Hasbro has been surprisingly cool about 3d printing, especially given the fact they already have a relationship with WizKids. Meanwhile, Warhammer is falling on its face by not simply selling their own official models, and fighting the printing community.


Paul Guy is right. I honestly would pay a premium price for Games Workshop STLs for personal use. Hell, I would even pay a premium price for those STLs if they used some sort of DRM too. I hope GS gets their business model together.

Azrael Ha Mavet

Where's the option for you to start back over from the beginning of the Monster Manual?! I mean, like you said, it's been 2 years! ;p JK! Keep up the great work!


I want Bigfoot!!!!!


How about you do Fizbans for two days a week, cryptids for two days a week, and requests any other days you choose to work? Then when you run out of cryptids to model, move on to Witchlight two days a week - then as each project finishes, move on to another (eg Tome of Beasts after Fizbans) but always be looking at two different groups of "book" models, plus keep the requests rolling? You would have variety of work, multiple groups of your followers would always have something to look forward to, etc. Yes, it would take twice as long to complete each individual book - but you wouldn't be thinking "another day, another dragon" for weeks on end ...


While I love your stuff, I personally feel there is a good reason to do a good once over on the MM again for errors and issues. For instance... the terrestrial gold dragon hatchling appears unfinished, and its not a simple resizing issue. I also get that the ancient models are "too big to support," except now bunches of us have Saturn sized home resin printers, and come to you for your outstanding presupported models that in this case, are not presupported unless you want the black dragon (Which I did. Thank you for this beautiful monster.) A second example: Drow are a bit unfinished if you are a drow fan... gotta have female drow elite warriors thown in there, given the Drow Matriarchal focus (female drow common fighters would be great too). However, if its time to move on, then Fizbans becomes my obvious choice given my above focus.


I am very much so looking forward to all the new dragons that look like will be coming, but for anyone with a commercial licence this kinda sucks. But still, with requests still being made regularly I am looking g forward to those, and the free giveaway options with the fizban stuff is good for social media stuff


Short and long of it… it’s all good stuff. Nice one MZ, keep doing your thing.


Hello. I'm sorry you feel this way. The gold dragon wyrmling is very much complete and is in a sleeping pose. Its also medium sized creature sized and I just checked all files too. As for the drow I get that, but there are a variety of female elven warriors you can select from in the adventurers folder that can fit in for a female drow elite warriors and such. Thanks for the feedback though. Take care.


Time to start building all the avatars from the old Deities and Demigods book! :D


I am sorry. It had been a month or so since I had last tried to print the baby gold dragon, and misremembered the issue. The gold dragon wyrmling file's problem is not a sizing issue. However, when I pulled the presupported model from the google drive just now, it is not supported. It appears as if angled up for adding supports, but no actual supports or base for the print plate. I start and finish at your presupported models. Supports are a voodoo magic to me, that I understand at a base level but have no practice with, and frankly no time to try and fit in learning, at least not yet. Maybe that's just lazy on my part, but its the fact so many of yours come presupported, and your apparent dedication to (mostly) provide those presupported models, that was my driving factor to make a patreon account to give support to you. Not sure if I should read between the lines given what you left unaddressed regarding those ancients, but at the very least add my voice to those who would greatly appreciate if you could at some time tackle what I am guessing is otherwise a less than thrilling task. Thank you for having responded, and you take care too. I cannot overstate how grateful I am to you, and how much you have helped me enrich my tabletop gaming time with my family.


Those Kobold Press books are gold


Can't be said enough, and keep on with the good work - I will keep on printing and painting those marvelous Minis. I like them a lot, and I already got quite a good selection.

Erik Niemi

I had no experience either, but tried a few settings (finer work for smaller models, and usually with models in a vertical position or leaning at an angle up). It's not that hard. Give supports a try!


Sincerely, thank you for the encouragement, I completely appreciate the spirit you gave it in. Not a favored topic, but for some people, clicking repeatedly/attempting to make micro-adjustments for individual support spots is much more problematic than compared to others. There are few user accessibility options that assist with the actual physical movements that a support placer will be making repeatedly and precisely. As of a few years ago, most of my ability to use my hands normally severely diminished. (I'd like to go back in time and get back a few million clicks from my time playing Diablo 2, please...) Bottom line, I was truthful in saying I don't have the time, and likely never will, as all tasks involving a computer are generally difficult and manually intensive, and therefore limited in exposure due to the pain involved. I don't mind that MZ doesn't seem terribly interested about what is or isn't supported. I can totally get how modeling a new Amethyst Dragon is WAY more fun than spending gosh knows how much time adding a bunch of scaffolding sticks to a model he considered finished maybe even two years ago. But I also don't mind asking of him if he would do it. Given he appears to have moved on, my next thought is to wonder if there is any interest within the community for those who are able, practiced, and willing to maybe help him fill out the missing spots and upload back to him for approval. Or if he is even open to that much. But that is for another day, and probably best discussed in PMs or similar first. After fixing this post up (even with TTS) and spending an hour pulling supports (successfully!) from the inside ribcage on MZ's skeletal warhorse model I printed overnight, I need a few hours for my hands to chill out.