Animated Breath Completed! Also the Doomwake Giant Printed well! (Patreon)
2022-02-16 20:38:55
Next up in my modeling of Fizban's Treasury of Dragons is the Animated Breath! I made different variants depending on the breath type. Its hard to visualize some of these in the 3D space, but a solid paint job with lots of dry brushing will pull off the elemental aspects of these fellas :)
Public Links -
- Fire Animated Breath
- Poison Animated Breath
- Acid Animated Breath
- Ice Animated Breath
- Lightning Animated Breath
Also I thought I'd share a painted mini I completed recently! Here is the Doomwake Giant that I totally am not using tonight for my Theros campaign. Nope... just making art for arts sake... *hides DM notebook*
Anyway that's all for now. Enjoy!