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Hello again friends! Today is my turn for another spooky model as I continue my collaboration with my good friend Mia from M3DM! This is a cultist worshipping face down to some spooky god that you can use as a terrain piece as your players try to sneak around them. A group of these printed could look impressive and imposing to the party haha. 

And naturally if they party fails their stealth check  you can swap with the regular cultist minis I made not too long ago >:D (I attached those here too cuz why not?) 

Full files are here and in the Terrain and Scatter folder. More to come tomorrow as it's Mia's turn. Enjoy! 




I'm so excited to make a terrain scene with these for my spooky town!


Amazing cultist model) I'm glad that you keep creating a series of creepy models) They are all impressive!