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Hello everyone! So today is a different post from the usual because it's a Jen appreciation post! Jen , my wife ( I said that like Borat) is the sole reason why I'm even doing this and it's a rather cute story.

About nine years ago I was heavily invested in my government career and had basically shunned my artistic background. I got a degree in 3D art but decided to use my Army service to get a quiet govt career going. Then one day Jen introduced to me the concept of 3D printing.

She knew I needed a hobby (as I bugged her every time she was knitting) and pointed out that I could actually 3D print miniatures that I designed to use in our DnD games. I was apprehensive at first. I had a bad experience after college trying to start an art career and the NYC area was a cut throat advertising cesspool. But she dragged me by the ear to the DC public library where I took a crash course on 3D printing. I was hooked after that lol.

After many posts on Reddit I eventually got my own 3D printer. Then I decided to just make the whole Monster Manual. Then Jen introduced Patreon to me and after a few years I was able to make enough here to make this my full time job.

Were it not for my wife I wouldn't be here today enjoying my life and making art for you all. Today we're celebrating her birthday by relaxing, enjoying some booze, and being our chill selves. She's my world and she's only made our lives better.

Anyway I just wanted to share. Time to enjoy some food. Stay amazing everyone!




happy birhday!

derek kelly

Thank you Jen for sharing him with us.

Derek Read

Bringing joy to the world through the creation of monsters. Ironic and lovely.


Thanks Jen!!!!!! and Happy Birthday from a randon internet fan.

Bill Curran

Happy birthday Jen!

Erik Johnson

Happy birthday, Jen!

Dave Redhead

Love this, love how you are so humble, love how your wife has a sense of what you need. Lucky man

GM Numbat

Thank you, Jen. And belated birthday wishes.


I love this story. Happy belated Birthday Jen


Happy Birthday!!!