New Adventurers! (Patreon)
Hello friends! Today I worked on the Conjurer Wizard from Monsters of the Multiverse and felt inspired by a magician from a certain 80s cartoon, and thought... hey while I'm at it let me make a new Barbarian!
So here they are! I think they go great with these other adventurers that I made recently, along with a halfling dungeon master. I mean its a bit meta calling yourself a dungeon master in a D&D game but meh... I was inspired what can I say?
I've attached the previous Adventurers from this set to this post cuz why not? I also included a very grown up unicorn. Hmm. I feel I should work on a fiendish overlord to challenge this group someday. Meh. I'll get around to it ;)
I hope you like them folks! Time to head to the theaters now to watch that new D&D movie lol. Enjoy!