Tome of Beasts: Clockwork Beetles! Also a Female Deep Gnome! (Patreon)
Hello friends! Today I was feeling rather inspired by all the Clockwork monsters coming up in Tome of Beasts so I just had to make more lol. Today I worked on the Clockwork beetle which was a fun little guy to model and sculpt up. Its rather small so do be careful removing supports near its legs. I angled it so it shouldn't be too hard to pull off. For FDM it should print well on its back.
As for the swarm... well... swarms are hard to pull off as we saw in the Monster Manual. I think I did a good job aligning this for easiest printing but its going to be a challenge. For FDM users I recommend printing it with the stand hole facing downward that way at least the top of it would look nice. That is what the players only see anyway lol.
Given how big some of the files are for the swarm here is a public link with the rest of them.
Also as a bonus model I made a quick Deep Gnome Female! I needed this for my own Out of the Abyss campaign so expect pics of her printed soonish. She's located in Monster Manual - G - Gnomes, Deep.
Anyway that's all for now! Have a great weekend friends!