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Hello friends! Today I worked on more weird creatures from this amazing book!

Eel Hound - everyone loves eels. Everyone loves puppies. Seems like a logical fey creation lol. For FDM printing I recommend printing it on its side with the mouth pointed upward so supports aren't needed in the mouth. For resin users the presupported file is supplied as always. 

Edimmu - when a criminal is banished into the desert, if they die from thirst and don't receive a proper burial they can rise as the undead Edimmu. This was an excellent sculpting project and I'm very happy with the final results. For FDM printing I recommend printing it on tis back with the fingers pointed upward so no supports get mixed in there. For resin users the usual presupported file is up. 

That's all for now. Tomorrow I'll wrap up February by working on requests. Looks like the first one up might take up most of my day: Mephistopheles. That's going to be awesome. Stay tuned :D



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