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So, it's been a very long time since I've shared any content.  I made an announcement post on my Discord server explaining a bit of what's been going on, but I thought it would be a good idea to post it here as well.  

Along with it, here are a couple of recent sketches I've done featuring Kalli, her prey, Reika, Saphiri, and a new character named Eleanor.


I'm sorry for going completely dark for two months, it was never something I'd planned to do. Ideally, I'd let you all know when I need to take an extended break, but as it stands, I think it's fair for me to try and explain a bit of what's been going on in my personal life without getting too specific.

Long story short, over the last two months I wound up going off my medication and my mental health quickly took a turn for the worse. I'm still not sure if it was my fault for giving bad information, or my provider screwing up somewhere, but due to this hang-up, I wasn't able to renew my prescriptions and went unmedicated for an extended period of time. I was already starting to feel burned out, but this - along with some upsetting interactions with my family related to my trans identity - left me in a pretty severe state of depression.

It's one of those cases where you don't realize how bad it's gotten until you're in the thick of it, but the thought of trying to explain it to someone makes it seem really stupid and pathetic - like 'why can't I just power through this? - and that kind of thinking leaves me very prone to hiding away and avoiding everything and everyone.

Things have gotten better, I've managed to switch providers and I'm back on meds now (which also means the side effects are back as well 😣). I'm hopefully past the worst of it but it's been a rough few months. I really appreciate you all sticking around, if something happens and I need to step away again, I'll be sure to at least check in on Discord every so often so you all know I'm still alive.

Given the lack of content, I don't blame anyone for cancelling their subscription. The last thing I want is for anyone to feel obligated to support me.  I hope to pick back up and share more stuff soon. I mentioned before that I want to rethink my tiers & benefits and that's still the case, but I'm going to hold off on that for now while I'm getting back into the swing of things.

Once again, I want to thank you all for sticking around ♥ - if all goes well, I'll hopefully have more stuff posted soon.



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