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After several weeks of testing: I can no longer pass by a loaf of bread without hearing boss music.


But I'm finally grasping a bit more the problem and finally getting a bit of control back over the digestive issues I've been having for years now. It just got really bad since last year, and it's been hindering my work A LOT.

I hope that I'll be able to get better and be able to dedicate all the time I want to my craft!!




Ah bread the natural enemy of man


Is it just the gluten in it your allergic to?


So far, all form of wheat/gluten yeah. I've tried a lot of substitutes already and they all work fine. Thanks to the "popularity" of the intolerance, gluten-free stuff isn't hard to find at all anymore so it was easy to test/switch out.


Hey at least you have an alternative now!!!


You sure it isn't a simple case of cummy ache?


My brother is sharing the same fate. May you find better options for your diet!