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Our favorite projects at the moment are finding ways to harness the generative potential of Discord communities to coordinate ambitious projects, and what THE FRINGE are building is remarkable.

Already having created a bespoke successful Sci-Fi universe with their debut film PROSPECT, they are turning to Web 3 to build a more expansive, co-created and ultimately fair way to create movies. 

Really excited to share this one!

THE FRINGE: https://fringedrifters.com/ 

THE FRINGE White Paper: https://mirror.xyz/thefringe.eth/d4F3Xok4kOKHs8Dzbpan1A7XNtdTO3nBsEWcEGIhGec 

Follow THE FRINGE: https://twitter.com/fringedrifters 

PROSPECT: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prospect_(film)#:~:text=Prospect%20is%20a%202018%20American,in%20the%20moon's%20poisonous%20forest. 



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