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Nueva commission realizada para EDGE, el cual pidió que realizara la versión previa de un trabajo anterior mío de Charlotte tras digerir a Xiangling, Guoba y Diona. Charlotte tuvo muy buena comida y se divirtió mucho como critica gastronómica sus presas fue todo lo contrario



New commission made for EDGE, which asked me to make the previous version of a previous work of mine by Charlotte after digesting Xiangling, Guoba and Diona. Charlotte had very good food and had a lot of fun as a food critic... her impressions were the opposite.




Gg good job i like your art soon mine here hehe



Michael Jordan (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-16 00:24:55 love the burp! great work
2024-05-09 04:22:10 love the burp! great work

love the burp! great work


I loved it, the faces on the belly make it even more incredible