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Bocetos de Shizuka Minamoto y Midorikawa Seina, del FanGame "ResidentEvil Doraemon" (uno de los crossover mas raros y curiosos de la historia de los videojuegos)

Me encanta este personaje y he querido hacer un mini proyecto con ello (como practica para mas adelante hacer algo con mis chicas zombi de IMMORAL). aquí muestro unos bocetos de los sprites (con resultados vore)

Disfrutar :D


Sketches by Shizuka Minamoto and Midorikawa Seina, from the FanGame "ResidentEvil Doraemon" (one of the strangest and most curious crossovers in the history of video games)

I love this character and I wanted to do a mini project with it (as practice for later doing something with my zombie girls from IMMORAL). Here I show some sketches of the sprites (with vore results)

Enjoy :D




Mi cara favorita de Shizuka es la que esta enfadada ¿Cuál es la vuestra?------------My favorite face of Shizuka is the angry one. Which one is yours?


La mía es la de satisfacción después de comer, amo caras así tanto >⁠ᴗ< ------------ Mine's the one of satisfaction after eating, I love faces like that so much >⁠ᴗ<


child pred adult prey ;( sad , have think you not do that but ok


Yes, I understand what you are saying. but do not worry👍 It's just a test to see how some sprites look later with Beatrice, Sakura, Emma and Blanca 🤍🖤


Let my try to say it so hopefully without get the rage of your community. I am sure this works too with adult/adult x)