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Y la ultima pagina, el 2º capitulo de IMMORAL esta finalizado ¡¡¡GENIAL!!!

Parece que Mrs.Aria le da una advertencia a Keiichi de que no le diga a nadie lo que son las chicas zombi, habrá que tener cuidado.


And the last page, the 2nd chapter of IMMORAL is finished, GREAT!!!

It seems that Mrs. Aria gives a warning to Keiichi that she should not tell anyone what zombie girls are, we will have to be careful.




¿Entran ganas del siguiente capitulo? Este a dado mucho Lore e información sobre el mundo de Immoral y la situación de los personajes. En el próximo habrá mas Vore y chicas con panza... que se que os gustan :D


Are you looking forward to the next chapter? This has given a lot of Lore and information about the world of Immoral and the situation of the characters. In the next one there will be more Vore and girls with bellies... I know you like them :D


She is very beautiful, but I don't think she controls the three of them