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Típico en Genshin Impact:

-Viajas a Liyue

-Vas a ver un concierto

-La artista es una pred que le entra hambre y se come a la gente

-La Geoarmada la persigue

-La salvas llevándotela a la relaja tetera, la pred se enamora de ti y noche de placer XD

(Es que Genshin Impact esta lleno de Preds femeninas y exóticas 10//10) :D


Typical in Genshin Impact:

-You travel to Liyue

-You are going to see a concert

-The artist is a pred who gets hungry and eats people

-The Geoarmada chases her

-You save her by taking her to the relaxing teapot, the pred falls in love with you and a night of pleasure XD

(Genshin Impact is full of female and exotic Preds 10//10) :D




I see forward to the they when lisa or rosaria eat her muhahahha


I loved it, her breasts are gigantic


Las mujeres de genshi impact son perfectas ❤️ A mí me encanta mona y kequing ❤️