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currently dealing with this and i am trying my best to take care of it
gastritis inflammation of the stomach lining prevents me from taking ibuprofen etc
so I only have salt rinses, pain relief gels and tylenol to help with the pain.

if there are further complications and that causes a delay in the 43rd mbi pack please understand my current situation and please be patient with me as i deal with this.



Lupine Assassin

Get that tooth pulled out now before it abscesses. I was in similar situations, and I'm glad the oral surgeons removed them before they got worse. Please keep us posted.

Lucky Stallion

Take care and definitely do get that taken care of as soon as you can.


my father got a tooth that got abscessed he waited too long so a part of his bone got taken away do not wait


Yeah, that is the last thing that needs to happen right now. I really do hope I can get something done this coming week even tho it will come out of my pocket...

S Munson

I'm sorry to hear that if you need to see a DR about this it would be out of your pocket. But, you really should see a professional to handle this. The other guys above are so right about the sooner the better.

S Munson

I can't understand why I can't message you...


Wish you a speedy recovery


I’m sorry you’re dealing with such intense pain. I hope you get medical care soon.


Oh damn man, I feel your pain! *big hugs* Try clove oil, apply it with a q-tip, burns like an sob for a few seconds before it numbs the area also an ice pack on the cheek. All 4 of mine had to be surgically removed cus they grew in crooked so I definitely feel for ya hun! Fingers crossed it gets taken care of soon!