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Just a new guy I decided to render in 2 different CG Render Engines.

This is not a 100% accurate comparison due to my laptop not being able

to fully utilized the power of the more advanced Nvidia Iray render


Both have been composited with the exact same Photoshop Post-Work effects by me.

Render 1: Nvidia Iray Unbiased Light PBR Render Engine

Render 2: DNA Research 3Delight Biased Light Render Engine


personally prefer PBR/Unbiased render engines because they look more

realistic and handle both Lighting and Surface shading much better.

One day I hope to have a High-end PC which can handle Nvdia Iray to it’s fullest.




They just get sexier and sexier.

DarkViperBara (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-30 08:28:02 Glad you like him >:}~
2016-04-15 01:43:44 Glad you like him >:}~

Glad you like him >:}~