Just some of the current lost characters... (Patreon)
Here are a few of the characters I "mostly" lost full use of after the External HDD stopped working and couldn't be repaired...
The back up drive I have from my older laptop is only backed up till around June 2020.
It's eye opening how much you can get done within a Year+ just for it to be gone the next.
Thankfully, a lot of characters retained almost all core body/face shape data on my main windows (C:) SSD, but No that does not mean they have all of their textures/hair/clothing since that was all saving to the (D:) HDD and not the (C:) SSD location.
As you know a lot of characters are not complete without their signature iconic things from hairstyles, clothing, tattoos/markings to scars and whatever else that makes that character that Character.
I'll keep pushing on and along the way try to continue manually restoring a few characters here and there.
❕Don't forget I lost more than just those kinds of things above, it can range from background scenes/sets to image data used in Photoshop(Like PSD Files) and more...