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Anime : Rezero

Will he survive? Will he escape? Ending is coming up soon!



World Weaver

ooh, I didn't realize we would get 2 pics this month


Hmm kinda confused what is happening. U can write some context for the plotXD

Izanami (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 17:46:06 Oh man he’s a lot smaller than I realized😯
2024-05-02 17:46:06 Oh man he’s a lot smaller than I realized😯
2024-05-02 17:46:06 Oh man he’s a lot smaller than I realized😯
2024-05-02 17:46:06 Oh man he’s a lot smaller than I realized😯
2024-05-02 17:46:06 Oh man he’s a lot smaller than I realized😯
2024-04-02 21:50:27 Oh man he’s a lot smaller than I realized😯

Oh man he’s a lot smaller than I realized😯


Hmm- I'd rather get better at telling the story in the comic ^^ Reading left to right, Subaru's trapped inside Emilia, Emilia finally stuck a finger in. Subaru's worried he's going to die and reset the day again but decides he might be able to escape. It'll go into a bit more detail as to his escape plan and such next page ^^


Yup- he keeps getting seen as a bug so I thought it'd make sense to be suuuuper small ^^


Its going great! curious how it will go