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Engaging in combat with villains is an exhausting and time-consuming task, especially when dealing with organized criminal groups. To aid knights and heroes in managing these criminal groups more efficiently, HR and XRL have collaborated to create a new type of weapon that emphasizes flexibility and versatile transformations for the HR hero.

Upon being injected with a unique active substance, HR's body transforms into a golden state while retaining his fundamental abilities. When HR activates the properties of this special weapon, a layer of super-strong yet highly flexible rubber envelops the entire body of the criminal. This rubber layer is indestructible by any mechanical weapon, leaving the criminal unable to escape. Once the criminal's body is completely covered, HR gains control over the criminal's body and can manipulate their actions.

However, the effects of this active substance do not stop there. Once the criminal's body is fully encased within the HR, their clothes, personal belongings, and even their body begin to transform. They gradually morph into a highly flexible rubber material with remarkable durability and elasticity. The criminal's entire external identity is converted into a rubber suit version of themselves. After completing this transformation, HR can extract the rubber suit bearing the criminal's identity and wear it, effectively disguising himself as the criminal. This allows HR to infiltrate deeper into the criminal organization when necessary.

If HR chooses not to extract the rubber suit, he will return to his normal color and leave the criminal's body. At this point, the criminal's entire body has been transformed into a rubber version of themselves. They can remove this rubber suit, revealing a new identity underneath that resembles the shapes of crash test dummies used in safety research. These criminals, now with new dummy identities, can be remotely controlled, returned to research rooms, and used in experiments when necessary. Their thoughts and actions will be restricted, similar to prisoners in prison. They are prohibited from engaging in sexual activities and cannot regain their original identities during their sentences. Any violations committed by the dummy while performing its tasks will result in additional punishment and detention in the dummy form. These prisoners may also become permanently stuck in their dummy form if they misplace their previously removed rubber clothing.


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