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  • 194374443.mp4



This one is a little different feeling from my other audio. I wanted to do a more mischievous, slightly higher-pitched, more cuter character...not sure if I have accomplished this, but in any case, I hope this cute demon can help you with your sleep paralysis <3 


Wolf Z Row

Will definitely listen to this if given the chance tonight

Mr. Caviar

Ah just in time for bed thanks Milky!👍


I enjoyed this one quite a bit. I thought you did the higher voice really well. Sometimes people's voice can sound strained or grainy (dk if that's the right word for it) when trying to do a different pitch but I thought yours sounded good and natural


loved the added rain this one has a very comforting atmosphere, nicely done Tea.

Wyatt Woodburn

Been having trouble sleeping recently, so this is perfectly on time!