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Overworked myself a bit with last months sequence so went with something a little shorter this time around returning to the 7 image format. ^_^

The month of June was the Month of the Morphological Institute so decided in keeping with the Theme Id finish up this old Personal sequence of my own Treatment process at the MI.

This one was started during the very early days when the MI idea was just beginning to be born, so it has a bit of historical precedence to it. :P

These images spanned over a few years so I had to go through and Finish them up as well as make them visually consistent some of the pages were pretty rough and required a lot of cleaning up and fixing. X_X Those who where at the Patron Streams know what I'm talking about. :P

Again, Thank You All for the Support and I hope you enjoyed this little piece of history! I'll see you all at the next one! ^o^



