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Welcome One and all to your monthly Patreon update! I will start out will Wishing you all a happy 4th of July or at least to those who celebrate it! ^o^ 

And now for some some good news and some bad news. 

Good News, you all get an early Update this month! Bad News, because of Real World projects and events I was not able to complete many art related projects last month.

Bad News, My Mifi (Aka one of my internet access devices) Died and I had to deal with a complete change in my internet set up through my provider. Good News, My new hardware and plan, is now truly unlimited with no data caps or toggling, but its still pretty much the same speeds so nothing too crazy or life changing is going to come from it, but this means I will now be able to stream throughout the month instead of just after the 15th so keep an eye out for my nighttime streams over at "The Wilderness" Discord Community! ^_^

Now, on to the Images!

Images 1-7

This was my single most largest project of the Month of June. Originally I wanted to create a new dinosaur character, but instead ended up making a DnD inspired Dragon born instead! The urge was born from a strike of inspiration after a DnD Themed Magic the Gathering Booster Draft party, my Brother threw. The card featured in the third image (Which is on a 3D Modeled Card Prop I created) is what provided the inspiration, I really liked the skin color/patterning of the Bard Character in the art. It sort of then expanded from there and I ended up doing a whole MTG themed collection of images. ^_^

Images 8&9

This was a quick little project, where I tried my hand at once again designing some anthro clothing, this time in the form of a String Bikini fit for a Whale tail, shown here on an 3D Anthro Whale Manikin Prop I whipped together. The second is my Orca Gal trying it on and having a nice time cooling off in the pool. ^_^

Images 10&11

These two images are of my most recent and current project, Still a ways to go but the wings are functioning! This Guy Is one of my most ambitious modeling projects to date and has been a true challenge and test of my skills.

Images 12-14

These next three Images are of my Real world project in June, I worked hard to beat the heat wave that was gonna hit and completed it over the course of a week only to find out that the heat wave only lasted 3 days and its been cold since so I didn't even have to rush the project >.>. Deer have been a HUGE problem for me over the years, always getting into my garden and eating all my plants! So a Fence is something I've been wanting for a long time and have been collecting building materials from Friends and Family for the project for awhile, the entire project is made from reclaimed and recycled lumber and hardware. Each year I try to make some improvements to my Garden, this was my project for this year and it has already kept the deer out a few times! ^o^

Images 15&16

The first of these images was the result of a Shadow Cast/Silhouette Rendering Experiment I conducted in DAZStudio. The second image is an Emote I made for "The Wilderness" using the resulting image transposed over an edited moon photograph.

Image 17

This was a little joke piece I put together, everyone should have one of these if they plan on watching my streams. lol Later it was made into a Sticker for "The Wilderness", the image itself is an edited/customized version of a meme I found on the internet.

All this, was of course, originally posted at the Wilderness Discord Community over the course of the past month, a lot of these projects were streamed there as well, I try to stream as much as I can during the later part of the day (7pm-4am PST). If you are not a Member yet and would like to become one, catch my streams, or just hang out with myself and people of like mind here is your link to join! https://discord.gg/9RtA2ec

Thanks again everyone and a warm welcome to all my new Patrons too! I could never thank you all enough for the support you've so generously decided to give me!^_^



Simone Spinozzi

<h1>😂🥰👍💖💯</h1> great job here too. Funny and extremely well made