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Welcome one and all to another Fine Update Day! Dispite the couple heat waves that hit here I actually managed to get a TON done this month! I hope you all enjoyed these Projects over the past month, and to those who are seeing them for the first time, Enjoy! ^_^

Images 1-4

This project is something Ive wanted to do for years and finally had the courage to attempt it and the confidence in my skills to do it proper justice. Recreating a representation that would embody one of my favorite places growing up that is now gone, my families Camping/Vacationing plot at Washaway Beach North Cove, here in Washington State USA. Quite awhile back now it was lost to the sea ,swept into the ocean never to be seen again along with so many others who lived there as well... So many happy memories from that place, I miss it so.

From the garbage of ruined buildings, to the pipes sticking out of the beach, the only remains of once beautiful homes, to the jetties erected to try and preserve the land only to ultimately fail to do so, I wanted to have it all.  This scene in particular is set in one of my favorite places there, a nice little secluded part of the beach so far down the shoreline people rarely ventured to it. Much of the textures used on objects and props in this scene were created from textures and backgrounds from Photos that I took the last time I was there for accuracy. I am so happy to have been able to immortalize my memories in a piece of beautiful art that everyone can enjoy. ^_^

The second two images in this first collection are another “Breaking the Magic” render showing the entire set and two shells I modeled for use in the scene. On a personal note I learned some new things from this project most notably, how to make use of Texture Decals in DazStudio, which I used to add paw prints in the sand, a wonderful alternative to adding them digitally in post! ^o^

Images 5-10

This was my carry over project from the previous month, the Steller's jay Character Model. One of the more challenging of characters I've done, and getting better at creating birds is something that I've been trying hard to focus on as of late! They are the one thing that I could not create within good time in the Traditional medium because of the complexity and work required to produce photo realistic feathers! Feathers are still difficult regardless of medium, beginning to think its one of those things that I will never be proficient at but believe me I'll keep trying! Lol

The first two images in this set are just some artistic renders of the finished Character, The next three are some in progress renders and a Feral version I made for fun.

The last in the set is one of those “Draw it Again” memes, I've always wanted to make one of these and thought this would be a great project to use it on since I had attempted to create this character in the past when I was just starting 3D character modeling. Quite the improvement from then, for sure! ^o^

It was great to finally have a proper character based on my favorite bird, and I suppose that one could consider it my alternate bird-sona. :P

Images 11&12

Just some 4th of July fun with the above mentioned Steller's Jay Character. ^o^

Image 13

A self portrait of my wolf self on a mountain hike, making use of some newly obtained 3D clothing and props I got from the Daz Store.

Also, did a bit more post work practice laying fur and adding clutter digitally. I think the results are stunning! ^_^

Images 14&15

Another Piece of rendered art featuring my Shark Gal and a new crafted Coral Reef Environment. Created this in celebration of Shark week!

The second was made because I forgot her cloths the first time I rendered the scene so you all get a nude version. XD

Image 16

A stand alone image showing the two forms of Marberguson's character who was the star of this months Patron only Sequence/Comic. Thanks again for deciding to Commission me and all your support and friendship! ^_^

Image 17

This was lighting experiment and  another practice in post work furring, just your average black werewolf in a white sanitized room. :P

Image 18

Had another attempt at a 3D self portrait. Getting close, but still not 100% accurate, I'll get it there eventually. ^_^

Images 19&20

This Sea-Gall Is my current Project, which is now nearing completion, these are some earlier in progress shots. Also, more bird practice! Expect more of her being shared on Discord in the coming weeks!

Images 21&22

Just two things I made for the Wilderness Discord Community. A Therian/Otherkin combined icon and a werewolf Thumbs up Emoji. ^_^

Wipes away some sweat from his brow 

Wow that was a lot of stuff to type. Lol

As always Thank You all So Much for your support and I hope you have enjoyed this past month's content! You all are so amazing and I am so grateful to have you as friends and supporters of my craft! ^_^

All this, was of course, originally posted at the Wilderness Discord Community over the course of the past month, a lot of these projects were streamed there as well, I try to stream as much as I can during the later part of the day (7pm-4am PST). If you are not a Member yet and would like to become one, catch my streams, or just hang out with myself and people of like mind here is your link to join! https://discord.gg/9RtA2ec



Simone Spinozzi

the sea-gall made me chuckle 😂