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Happy Holidays Everyone!

Didn't have much time at all in November for projects with the dropping of World of Warcraft Dragon Flight at the end of the month, Thanksgiving, and other personal matters I had to attend to. Most of my "Art Time" was spent completing pieces for the Patron Exclusive art posted before this one today. December is going to be even worse, I have projects planned, but if I actually get around to finishing them to post on January 5th remains to be seen!

Content creation should be back to normal, for February's Patron update day, so thanks for bearing with me until then. ^_^

Among the projects I want to get finished is the Dragon Guy Featured here in images 1-3. He was my main personal project for November and still has some work to be done to him. A very challenging model taking into consideration the complexity of his wings and tail. I think the work is paying off though, he's quickly becoming one of my favorites. ^o^

The last image here is a Screenshot taken in World of Warcraft which I touched up and edited in Gimp to try and make something artistic. 

There's a funny story behind it, I was about to log off for the night to go to sleep so I put my character to sleep in game, my friend then tried to sit on my head and then it ended up instead creating this cute scene of him blocking the sun from my eyes with his wing. :P

It's little moments like this which provide me with inspiration, which is a huge reason I play, and make sure to put aside time to jump into the game each year as long as there's an expac or new content to enjoy of course.

If anyone else here plays and would like to join me in game my Battle.net gamer tag is Ladrumaer #1577, I don't play much just hop on after a expac launches for a few months. ^_^

As always Thank you all so much for your continued support and putting up with my lacking Vacation Break posts. Things should be back to normal come February. ^_^

All this, was of course, originally posted at the Wilderness Discord Community over the course of the past month, a lot of these projects were streamed there as well, I try to stream as much as I can during the later part of the day (7pm-4am PST). If you are not a Member yet and would like to become one, catch my streams, or just hang out with myself and people of like mind here is your link to join! https://discord.gg/9RtA2ec



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