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The winner of the poll is Leony! Her animated profile will be released next, so ask her questions down below and I will pick a few that she will answer on there!

[Picture was just to have a look at her new hair, I hope you like it. Also the ruler in the background is far away, Leony isn't over 6']



Tom Tomm

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


What's your favorite fetish? Where do you like your partners to finish? Do you dislike or like the taste of cum?

Craig Bowers

Elysa, Elysa, ELYSA!!! Love that gal!


I love it


Do you enjoy your current line of work? What got you into it? Do you plan on branching out, or are you content with just streaming? What's your streaming username? What's the wildest thing you've ever streamed? Do you and Amy get along? Have you and Alicia always gotten along? Do you and Cynthia always get along? Do you plan on keeping your relationship with Alicia as "tight" in the future as it seems to be becoming? Have you hooked up with Elysa since the hotel encounter? Is Elysa bothersome or do you have your ways of dealing with her? Are you an impulsive person or do you plan out things in advance? Any plans for kids and family? How many of the club patrons have you had sex with? How many of the employees? Maybe the boss? Favourite position and fetish? Do you plan any other hair colors in the future? Did Alicia find out about your work on her own, or did you tell her? How many new followers/viewers did you get after the AT2019 awards? Any of your fans giving you trouble? How often do you meet them in person?


Doesn't matter who we voted for. It's a win-win regardless.


How would you describe your experience in Hotel Intimacy ?


What made you start streaming? How many children do you want from Elysa? When are you starting the breeding marathon with all the futas all around? How long have you known Cynthia? How often do you two engage in threesomes or above? Do you have a favorite Sexy Tales employee? Is Elysa the only fan you've hooked up with or have there been others? When are you planning the fan breeding contest? Who do you plan on being impregnated by first?


What do you look for in a partner.


Did you originally get into camming for the money? Or some other reason? Are most of your fans futanaris? Would you fuck any more of your fans in the future? Now that Alicia knows you're a camgirl, do you sometimes have shows when she's at home? Does your history with Elysa make things awkward with Amy and Alicia? How did you react seeing Alicia lose to Elysa in AT2019? Are you looking to enter a relationship with someone?