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Sorry I am quiet for a bit, but I moved and now I don't have Internet. I've had issue with the first ISP that I wanted and they were not coming to install my Internet so now I changed to a new one. They are sending me a modem with express delivery and said I can install it myself as soon as I get it. So hopefully it won't take too long...

Life without internet is boring....



True life is boring without internet


True!! I live in New Orleans and we have only 2 ISPs Cox and At&t and they both suck. Cox will break your bank account and At&t service is terrible. But with out either one you're stuck. So I understand. Hope it all works out for you.


Move to my house and use my internet 👉👈


long periods of time without pc = cakewalk, long periods of time with pc but without internet = fucking nightmare


Luckily there are video games and audio books. If you're a fan of RPGs, I recommend reading/listening to The Land by Aleron Kong. It's absolutely masterful. Gnomes rule!

Mr. E721

It's all good don't rush


Yes, you know, we live in a time when the Internet bothers us if we have it all the time, but when there is no Internet for some reason, we are just ready to die of boredom! A kind of paradox

Haydar Tyrsson

No worries. Just missing all my girls and lovely futas. Also, congrats on the move.