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Here’s the video on Vimeo! Sorry I couldn’t get it up right away, there’s just a limit to how much I can upload a week. I hope you like it!


ASMR - Dumb Nurse Gives You Bedside Assistance RP.mp4

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Thank you Taylor:) and hooray I'm a patient again of lovely Nurse Solitary! I'm actually surprised I was able to get the google drive link to work for me for a spell. Take care and I hope you're feeling better.


Thank you for watching! And I’m feeling a bit better, my cheeks are still red though. Just more muted down. So I’ll probably record tomorrow night and from then on. It was just so itchy and irritated the last couple nights. Skin problems especially on the face are the worst! D: Love you Paul thank you for the sweet comment ❤️


Glad you're feeling better Taylor:) Hopefully the itching and irritation keeps going away day by day. Lord knows it took me like a week after my sheet mask chemical burn to look and feel normal. So no need to push yourself to record anything for us. I think I can safely say we all want you feeling in tippy top shape:) if it's still itching, cold packs wrapped in a towel helped me and it reduced the redness.