🐉 Tyrant Dragon showcase (Patreon)
Greetings, viewers of the Internet!
This is my first post on Patreon, and as a first post, I wanted to bring something big. Here I present my new addition to my collection, the Tyrant Dragon.
This model was made by Truong CG Artist, rigged by Bokonus, and added NSFW bits and improved rig by Raith Vaneal. This model is truly a masterpiece, and I'm very happy to be able to use it.
This is also the second animation I've done with Fluid Simulation, and I have no intention of stopping! Fluid sims are so much fun!
I will add more information about my ideas in the following post. Stay tuned!
[18-02-2024] Discord link with all the videos (changed because of Kemono RIP)
Thank you for watching, and I hope you enjoyed it!