"Final Exam" Game Devlog (Patreon)
In spite of another hardship coming upon me, I'm continuing the devlog.
I finally finished the battle scene with the boss of the first location. This is the very first boss, so its mechanics are as simple as possible and lack variety. In my opinion, this fight didn't turn out to be too difficult, as expected from the initial boss. Although, I may be wrong, since I initially know all the behaviors of the enemies. Nevertheless, in my opinion, the logic of this fight, after a while, becomes clear. For now, I'll leave it as it is. Later, perhaps I will make some changes. Or maybe I'll leave it like this. Time will tell.
Next in line is the creation of the level summarization scene, to which the player moves after winning the boss fight. Right now, this scene displays a list of items that were completed during the walkthrough. But the scene is not ready yet, so I haven't inserted it into the gameplay yet. Also, I need to make some changes to the main code to make the summarizing scene work properly.
Hopefully, I'll be able to finish the final scene of the first level in the next week. I can't make any promises, as I'm in a difficult situation at the moment. I wrote about my situation in previous posts, so I won't repeat myself. If you are interested, please read it.
After completing the final scene of the first level, I will need to make a few cutscenes of the player losing his life.
Yes, I forgot to say that I deleted several locations of the first level. I decided that these locations will be realized in my other game. In the remaining locations, the enemies are unchanged, so the gameplay is not balanced right now. I didn't have time to edit the new enemy positions this week. Will do so next week, if no unforeseen circumstances arise.
The working build of the game has been updated. The link is in the pinned post for patrons on the home page