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You’re having a nice drive through the country on your way to the city when you suddenly see a turtle on the road! You can’t bear the thought of the poor thing getting hit by a car so you decide to pull over to help. As you approach the smol turtle you notice it’s not just any turtle but a cute monster girl one. She kinda has an attitude though- maybe she’s a snapping turtle?

Hello Ali cats, I hope this audio starts you off to a slow, relaxing weekend :P The thumbnail isn’t the entire image, you’ll get that tomorrow. However, I finally did it, I finally animated moving hair! It’s definitely not perfect but I’m getting there. I’m just happy I did it ✨

There’s a couple of flubs in this audio but hey, it’s ok. To be honest this character was inspired by Monogatari’s Hachikuji so some flubs are allowed :3




Hey! It isn't Friday yet! What are you doing??? Lol either way, I'll give it a listen when I go to bed lol this weekend will be busy but good! Heading out tomorrow to meet up with some friends to camp, and learn how to use our recovery gear and winches of we get our vehicles stuck when offroading, hope yours will be good though! Didn't think the rocks would sound good, but it was pleasant, also, is she like... turtle sized and we're just idiots not realizing she was a turtle girl till she talked, or human sized and we straight up tried to pick her up by her shell? Lol


Yeah well those dreams ain't comin' true if your shell gets cracked from gettin' ran over so how 'bout i give you a helping hand? That's what I would've said on 03:04.

Kai Zomei

Just imagining a small humanoid turtle on the road, and the thing that shocks the listener is that she can talk XD. Neat little story, Ali.


She's not just any snapping turtle... but an ALIgator snapping turtle! Haha But seriously, snapping turtles - and especially the alligator variant - are really awesome looking creatures! And HEEYyy, flowing hair animation! Nice! The start to my weekend could've gone a bit better. I was tired all day and dealt with an extremely rude customer at work. But I know we've all been there so at least I can take comfort from the fact we can all relate to this. And, of course, I hopefully need not mention that listening to this made my day a bit better just towards the end of it. Thanks, Ali! I hope you and every Ali cat reading has a great weekend!


Half of me was expecting a mine turtle joke from ASDF, the saying is supposed to be "Why did the Chicken Cross The Road,"(still don't know the answer to that, let alone know if this is a joke or so) or the age old question of "The Tortise or The Haire." Also I just like how when holding the turtle is the only instinct I would do, no matter if this turtle likes it or not. (Wait... if Ali already made it across the road, then what's this turtle girls name?) Hey, $1.29 is still enough for me to try and get a gumball or even a water for that matter from the vending machine. (Also, I was kinda expecting one of those gusts of wind to be blown that way the hair animation makes sense, but we're in an Alichuverse where a Cigarette doesn't get dried out when it's raining so I guess we're on "The Fountain" rules, which is there are no rules. (Also, this is totally not an excuse to make yourself feel forgiven after nearly running over a turtle, right? Right?)


She’s a smoll smoll turtle so you can pick her up! If she lets you anyway lol :P I uploaded a little early this time since I was getting sleepy. I try my best to upload around midnight or as early into Friday as I can! I hope you have a nice weekend Delta and Happy Birthday again to you! Make sure to enjoy yourself and get something good to eat :) As for me it will be my new usual: writing, drawing and trying not to go insane :P lol I kid, I kid (not about the drawing and writing part though haha!).


She’ll be fine, she’s stronk! >:3 lol seriously though, I hate seeing turtles on the road. If I could I’d save them all. But alas, I don’t want to get hit in doing so!


Thank you Kai I’m glad you enjoyed it! :D Seeing turtles outside recently inspired this one lol


I’m sorry you had to deal with a rude customer Arty. A big high five on getting through it though! Customer service isn’t easy so I’m happy in some way my story made you feel better ^_^ Thanks also on the animation comment! It’s not much but I feel like I’m getting better each time I do it and that makes me happy :D


N-no, what are you talking about?! I definitely didn’t write this because I felt bad about almost hitting a turtle ; /// ; Seriously though, I hate seeing them on the road. If I could I’d save them all! As for the cigarette, she’s all good. She knows just the right spot under the shit retail building to stand where the rain won’t get to her. Experienced retail worker at their finest! :P


Adorable smol, got it! Lol and that was fine by me! Friday ended up being super busy so being able to listen to it Thursday nice was great! And thank you for the happy bday! I'm now 31, and I feel old... lol And also, I just got back from the camping trip a few minutes ago and now I have to unpack my car... everything is so dusty and dirty o.o at some points it was so dusty on the trail, I couldn't see the trail in front of me, much less the other vehicles in my group! Lol but it was still great camping out with a bunch of good people ..ya know.. aside from the 20 foot long tree branch suddenly falling into camp and landing on one of the vehicles at 10pm at night last night... lol surprisingly enough, there was really no damage, but it sure scared us and sent people running! Lol I immediately moved my camp into the wide open field next to us and happened to set up camp right in the middle of a bunch of thorns Lol but still, being completely disconnected from social media was nice for a few days. Oooh, I have to ask, what are you writing? Or is it more of the scripts?

Sir Skelington

Sorry I was a little late to comment on this one. You could say I was a little...slow? Petition to have turtle girl come back with her rabbit friend, they don't have to race but hey I wouldn't say no.


Hey now, I’m 31 and I don’t feel old at all! We are still young at heart! >:) Seriously though, I’m glad to hear you had a nice birthday and had fun camping. The tree falling on the car is scary though! I can only imagine everyone running with that sound happening so late. Thankfully there wasn’t much damage though!


I like that idea, every turtle needs a rabbit friend- it’s the rule of the monster girl universe! :P


Lol I remember seeing you say you're only a few months older :p and yea, it was, we were talking about wild animal encounters and ghost stories when we started hearing that branch falling and crashing through the canopy lol I was even regretting not taking that spot to park my car, thankfully the guy who did, was driving a very built up solid older truck that had bedliner sprayed all over it, so the branch barely left a scratch on the bed liner on the hood.