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Hello Ali cats! This ramble was recorded a little before Thanksgiving but even so, I hope you enjoy and have a wonderful Sunday (or whatever day you’re listening) :D



I don’t know very many deres but kuudere tsundere and yandere all of them are interesting in their own ways. I definitely had a cheat day myself on thanksgiving but I ended up still losing 4 pound thanksgiving week so I’m proud of that. I wanna watch the boys I just have to many anime to watch so it’s gonna take me forever to get around to it. The thing with water I totally get idk why but ever since I got a cup with the a straw I find myself drinking alot more I think I drink water faster with the straw but honestly I’m all for it drinking more water is almost never a bad thing. As a Texan I definitely agree with you I by far prefer the cold working in 107 heat in the summer with the sun Texas sun feels like I’m burning alive went up north for thanksgiving and it was like 45 degrees the whole week I enjoyed it so much I spent so much time just going on walks outside cause it felt nice. Hope you have a good sunday mine is going quite well personally got some really good ramen and katsudon at a nice restaurant today.


I like yandere audios and what not, but man, they're just way overdone, so I was glad that kuudere won as well, and it was a good one! As for the neighbor, oh god... lol I heard my neighbor loudly talking while walking down the breezeway, I don't quite remember everything she said, but it was about herself but I clearly remember her saying "Nope! Genital warts!!" ....uhhh....... And good luck getting back into the habit!! I know it's hard to get back into a habit once its broken. ....and I still need to watch The Boys... yeaaa... Homelander is... uhh... dude's weird... lol getting good boys are good though, but yea, he takes it to the max... lol you got a weird taste in men though :P ....maybe I should try a cup.... I use a hydroflask knockoff bottle and find I don't drink as much water as I should lol As for me, I leave the heat off at night when it's cold, and when I wake up it's in the 60s, then I bring it up to 75 or so, let it get to temp, and drop it down to 70/72 lol I also use my fireplace as well. I think I'll drop it a little bit lower once I get my robe out of the closet and air it out lol also, check out the comfy hoodie, it's big enough that me, at 5'11, can completely fit inside of it, and it's sherpa fleece lined. SO friggin warm, kept me warm during a power outage during a cold snap that brought temps below 0 here lol


I guess I get why people like the yandare roleplays but it's still played out though. Where are all the deredere roleplays? Smh Aldous* not Albert. Lol I make mistakes like that all the time, i always pretend I got it right though :P Dude I just bought Fight Club a couple days ago. For same reasons too. Probably won't get started on it just yet though. I'm currently reading a fantasy trilogy based on Viking/Norse mythology. Having a great time with that. After reading some fantasy I like to reset with a different genre. I'm not caught up with The Boys, I'm a season behind. But I totally get what you mean about Homelander lol I think that stories can fall apart without a well crafted asshole/antagonist. And his actor does a stellar job. I also like that he likes being called a good boy lol He's a jerk and the most powerful super in the world, having something like that to kinda humanize him balances things out so that he won't seem like a cartoonish super villain. I believe that the weather around the area I live in is some of the worst in the country. The effects of the great lakes makes things unpredictable 😔 Last thing to share? A few weeks ago I said I would start the Monogatari series eventually. And eventually was the beginning of November. I'm about to finish the second season, so 4/14 of the way there. None of my friends have seen it and they probably wouldnt even give it a chance, so I kinda just wanted to mention it somewhere.... I might be able to sell them on it if I show them the toothbrush scene though lol

Kai Zomei

On the topic of deres, I find that I either like quiet based ones (like Kuudere and Dandere), or flirty/teasing ones with a mature/nurturing aura (hiyakasudere like Ichika initially was in Quintessential Quintuplets). Kuuderes I like because they tend to have a mature and aloof aura, and since they tend to not be super social having one stick around you is special; plus, getting one to fluster by breaking their cold exterior is adorable. While I was given the day off for Thanksgiving, I wasn't able to go on a trip or anything to see family, but I was able to videochat with them that day. Only watched a bit of The Boys, and while it's not my kinda show, glad others get to enjoy it. Beyond Dan da Dan, haven't kept up with many shows lately. I always prefer keeping things temperature controlled, so I'll run the AC/Heater whenever possible. Only really changed this during my time in Japan because I was pushed towards that.


I was happy as well to see that yandere didn’t win either lol they’re just not my favorite. I’m quite partial to kuuderes and tsundere myself (maybe cause my first exposer to romance anime was toradora lol). I totally get you on the loving to read and watch the same show/movie and manga/anime. for me it’s more manga and anime than movies. It’s always so interesting to see the changes they make from manga to the adaptation, plus with shows like one piece or fate series for instance (tho I still need to watch/read em all) or really any action manga, I get giddy waiting to see fight scenes and seeing how they animate them, it’s such a different experience from just reading it. Also have you seen those impact frames in one piece LOL they always bring me joy seeing them such a neat concept. I haven’t had a chance to really watch the boys but my friends have told me a lot when it first came out that I needed to watch it, I just haven’t gotten around to it yet lol With Thanksgiving I was fortunate to have it off and was able to spend time with the family since we actually did a proper one this year lol, with work tho now that we passed Thanksgiving I start my work everyday till Christmas since we have officially hit peak season (thanks UPS LOL) I really love the cold, I would take it any day over the heat. I love to wear sweats/comfy pj pants and hoodies so I appreciate having an excuse to wear em and not feel like I’m gonna die of heat exhaustion like in the summer lol. Also I feel it’s way easier to get my daily water if put my water bottle in front of me with its straw while I do stuff on the computer and just absentmindedly sip from it lol so I get it lol


The intro reminded me of one of my favorite movies - a truly bullshit label because I say that about SO many things. "And in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!" I'm surprised to hear that yanderes are your least favorite type of dere. Maybe it's because I see a lot of creators doing yandere RPs? I know that's what gets the views, but I hope you're doing the types of audios that you enjoy making as well. I almost brought up Aldous Huxley when I was talking about Camus. Ironically, Camus' first name is Albert, lol. I was thinking that Brave New World would be something up your alley though. Maybe I was wrong :P As for Fight Club, I do like Palahniuk, but I think he struggles with writing less edgy stories. I don't mean it in an insulting way. I wish I could be that good at any one particular role. You can call it being a fucking toddler...I call it valuing the "aesthetic." We are not the same xD Nah, I'm 100% that way. I'm a total sucker for presentation when it comes to just about anything. Maybe I'm biased, but I think it's a good trait.


There’s this game called Spirit city Lofi. It’s a pretty fun and chill game you can play in the background. You can capture/have these cool/cute Spirit pets around your character. You level up by relaxing and listening to some lofi music. You can even change the mood and feel of your room and make task to help you remember throughout the day. Also, you can have your character do fun activities such as relaxing on the bed, or reading a book and even drawing on a tablet. Just to name a few. It’s great for listening to some calming sounds or as white noise. But me explaining it does not do it justice lol. I highly recommend it when you get a chance. it’s on steam for eight bucks.


That’s awesome about the four pounds, congrats on that Releo! ✨ 🙌 I think everyone deserves a cheat day on Thanksgiving, it’s pretty much mandatory in my book :P I’m glad to know I’m not the only one that does that with water! Maybe it is the straw. Do I also drink more with one? I’m not sure. But like you said, whatever gets me to drink more water is good! :D I’m also very jealous of that awesome meal- ramen and katsudon sound so good! ✨


Hey, to be fair it doesn’t have to be a dude. Those characters just so happen to all be guys haha! I don’t know though, something about the “I’m better than you” personality gets me every time. It’s the smugness I think, I’m not sure 😂 Oh god your neighbor!!! Who in the world would say something like that out loud? 💀 That did give me a good laugh though ngl 🤣 I think the coldest I’ve seen my thermometer is 58 lol. I probably should have turned the heat on before then XD This morning I wrapped myself in a long sleeve, hoodie and blanket.


Weirdo :P jk jk!! Very understandable lol I don't know!!! It took everything to not laugh when I heard it! Lol Dear lord!!! Just have been an Ali-pop at that temp! Only time it's ever gotten that cold was during a power outage a few years back when it was below 0 outside!... granted it got down to about 42 in here with the fireplace going.. lol this morning I'm the same, might even break out the warm socks lol


I’ve done one deredere character and I think it was here on Patreon- I should do another one sometime though for sure ✨ Damn, at least I got the A name write haha! XD Not sure where I got Albert from lol. Ohh, I love me some Viking/norse stuff. What’s the trilogy called? :) I think the good boy trait with Homelander fits so well. Like you said, it humanizes him but it’s also a little comedic relief for me and I love it. Something about someone who’s arguably evil liking being called a good boy is enjoyable to me 😂 That’s awesome to hear your progression on the Monogatari series! Are you enjoying it so far? The toothbrush scene is probably the most iconic, even for those who dislike the series haha! I can only imagine the people who came into the series for that only to get wrapped up into all the other shenanigans.


I’m glad that you were able to video chat with your family Kai! It was kinda different not celebrating with some of my CA family this year. I did talk to them though so that was nice :) I don’t think I’ve done a dandere character yet so that’s one I’ll have to make sometime soon. My first thought goes to Hinata from Naruto and she was best girl back then for me ✨ ❤️

Kai Zomei

Glad you were able to talk with that family. If you were to write a dandere character like that I would be greatly appreciated, as she was best girl for me too. I think you've written characters with a shy vibe, but not explicitly dandere.


I love Toradora! It was that anime that really got me into Tsunderes ❤️ As for the adaption from manga to anime, I totally get the excitement- especially for fight scenes! I was very much that way while reading/watching JJK. Despite being rushed the studio did an amazing job I think ^_^ I have so much One Piece to catch up on now that you bring it up. I was just finishing up the Wano arc I believe so I’m a decent bit behind now. Usually what I do is take a couple of days and just binge whatever I need to haha! XD I know the holidays mean a lot of work for some of us so please be safe! I hope you still find time to enjoy and relax too when you can 😊 Based on what you and some others said I’m wondering if it’s less the fancy cup and more the straw that makes me drink more…I wonder lol. Either way, if it makes me drink more water that’s all that matters!


Would that movie happen to be The Truman Show? :P I’ll be honest, I used to love yanderes years ago, and still do depending on the character. I absolutely adore Kotonoha in School Days! I think writing them myself though can get a little boring at times. I have to be in the right mood to write them or have an idea to throw in that I feel makes it interesting. Fun always comes first though. If I ain’t feelin’ it then I ain’t doin’ it! I’m not sure where the hell I got Albert from- at least I got the A part right! 😂 This is going to be my first time reading Palahniuk so I’m excited! It’s always fun to see what someone’s writing style is. I’ve only read about 5 pages so far so I can’t make any judgements just yet :P


Ohh, that game sounds nice! I’ve been wanting a cozy game lately. I think all my attempts at playing Nier have put me on edge so I need a game to chill out to lol. I’ll have to check it out, thanks for the rec Wheniks! :)


Ooo, this is exciting. I'll have to look for it after work today. The book series is called the Bloodsworn Trilogy. Idk if you have ever read anything by John Gwynne, but I love the pacing of his writing. His action scenes are great too. It's pretty awesome. Slowly getting more and more invested in the characters. I'm watching by release order and it think that was the right call. However, I don't think that the author actually grew up with sisters lol


Yes! I've always liked movies that manage to genre surf. It poses a lot of serious questions for technically being a comedy. Also, it has some great subtle liminal vibes.

Secular Succotash

I’m glad your cute kuudere won! I love yandere but I did vote for kuudere this time because the ASMR market is DOMINATED by yandere characters. Also let’s go Ali bulking season! Holidays are always free game diet-wise for me, because enjoying life is important too! I feel like one would have to be pretty obnoxious and miserable if you ONLY ate what was most optimal all the time (your friends and family will not appreciate you asking what the macros of their lovingly prepared meals are.) You know what? I WILL read Look Back, I keep saying I wanna read more it’s about time I did it. Maaan, it was so fun chatting with y’all on SeaKat’s stream, and don’t worry I know you weren’t shaming anyone’s likes when talking about Homelander’s…”proclivities” lmao (more like Freaklander), but speaking of! You are speaking MAD facts about the good boy/good girl thing Ali! I feel like anyone who says they don’t like it at all is either: A) Lying B) In Denial C) Has not been called that yet or D) I’m (DEFINITELY NOT) coping As for the bottle thing, my bottle is an obnoxiously large half gallon stainless steel tank so uh maybe more of a “why the hell do you need so much water” bottle than “cute” bottle but it does mean I’m always drinking water! So it works! And heckin same about the heater thing. I vastly prefer cold and artificial heat makes me hot very quickly so I never use my heater, could be broke for all I know haha


I’ve never heard of John Gwynne before but I’m always up for trying someone new! I’ll have to check that out and see if my bookstore has it when I visit again :)


Yeah…I was the “family asshole” for two years back when I was vegan. I didn’t falter though, even with all the delicious food around me. Do I regret it now? Yes, but that’s beside the point lol. No shame to anyone that’s vegan it just didn’t work out for me. I have a pretty bad history with food/dieting so restricting all the time is no bueno for me. I refuse to believe there’s anyone that dislikes being called good. There’s just no way! They can be all tsundere about it but they like it :P Omg though, a half gallon?! D: But what about the cuteness, the esthetic, the dainty straw??!! lol I kid, I kid.


Awesome! Well if you decide to get it, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Even if you hate it lol but I don't think you will.


My Thanksgiving was really bad. My Parents are elderly and both are very ill sadly. Had to bring my Dad to the Hospital and on top his beloved little Dog died right before wich was simply to much for him. Luckily he made it this Time and he's getting better. I'm exactly the same with the heater, but I have a Lifehack called hot Waterbottle.😁 Your rambling got me in a good Mood again and I tryed to draw wich you could see in my Thumbnail. It's the Dragon from Bubble Bobble. Hope you like it but I have a long Way to go! 😉 Have you seen Stardust? One of my most beloved Wintermovies wich comes from a Book, but the Movie is better as the Book. Thanks for cheering me up Ali! 🥰😊


I’m sorry to hear about your Dad and his dog Strobi. I’m glad he’s alright though ❤️ I’ve lived/cared for elderly family members so I know that can be tough. It makes me happy that my audios/rambles can help in some small way though ^_^ Your drawing is so cute!! I love how tiny and adorable he is. I hope you had fun drawing him :D I’ve never heard of Stardust before so I’ll have to check it out ✨


Thank you for the asmr Alichu!! Today is good