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Ali cats, your patreon roleplay will be up tomorrow night (Friday) rather than tonight. I know, I know- technically I say I upload a roleplay to Patreon every Friday but anyone that’s been here a while knows I usually post it on Thursday 😂

This week has been a little hectic with the holidays. I was “voluntold” to attend a Christmas party for work and did a little shopping for friends and family. I still need to add a few finishing touches on the roleplays this week so apologies for the slight delay!

Psst…Don’t tell anyone but I’m also working on a Christmas present for you guys :P



Take all the time you need Ali! Also have fun at the Christmas party! : )


Ah, the old Voluntold. They say you don't have to go, but they REALLLY want you there... My works Christmas party is this afternoon, and same story lol


Thanks for the heads up! But take all the time you need! Also ... how can you be voluntold to go to a party..? I hope you have fun at least! Lol

Smitchy The Kidd

Hope you have fun at the Christmas party! I am excited for out Christmas present.


Oooo, I'm looking forward to both!!


Hopefully the Christmas party is atleast somewhat enjoyable I’m going to one Friday but it’s more so a thing with friends and family so I don’t mind. Also don’t worry about thee delay you can’t rush perfection lol no but seriously no one makes better art or asmr then you.


Have a lot of fun Ali! 😊😁


Voluntold? I wasn't even informed that my workmates were organising a party (I think I was on holiday at the time, but they also made a groupchat I was never added to it), so I got away with having to pretend to want to attend lol. I was voluntold about secret santa though... Which I still haven't got a gift for yet...


Oh my god...now I feel like I have to buy presents for everyone here. I'm panicking. I hope the Christmas party was good! I know they're a burden for a lot of people, but I feel like they can be kinda fun. You get to talk to people you don't normally see and then (hopefully) eat and drink on the company's dime...which is something I ALWAYS go out of the way for, lol.


It’s the worst! It’s like, “It’s not mandatory but you’re going to look really awkward coming in on your next day being the only person who didn’t go!” 💀 😭


It’s that old song and dance where it’s like, “Are you coming to the party? Everyone else is! Oh, you’re not? Oh, well, everyone else is going to be there, so…” ugh 💀 lol. One of the managers saying this too so it makes it feel even more necessary 😂


Thank you Smitchy! I’m having fun working on the present, I can’t wait to show you all! 🎁 ✨


Aww thanks Releo, that’s so kind of you to say 😊 I hope you have a good time at your party too! ❤️


Hey Pro, I hope you’re doing well! I wish that I was left out of the holiday group chat 😭 I know that’s mean but I just really don’t like big get-togethers. Nothing against anyone I just don’t like crowds!


YOU BETTER BUY US ALL A PRESENT!! Lol I kid of course. Everyone being here is a good enough present for me :D I’m just being awkward about going haha! Hell, if anything I’m surprised I like almost all my coworkers, that’s definitely new for me lol. It’s just a shy thing; I hate crowds and get togethers 😭 It’s all good though, it ain’t my first rodeo :P If you happen to attend any parties I hope you have a good time too Noct! ^_^


Oh man, hope you at least had a good one! Thankfully my company isn't like that lol the Christmas parties aren't what they used to be though... the last one i went to in '19 was insane!.... at least 1000 really really drunk people if not more... lol