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Roleplay poll #69 and Merry Christmas! ❤️

  • Gengar 20
  • Sableye 9
  • Mismagius 39
  • Diglett 😂 34
  • 2024-12-25
  • 102 votes
{'title': 'Roleplay poll #69 and Merry Christmas! ❤️ ', 'choices': [{'text': 'Gengar', 'votes': 20}, {'text': 'Sableye', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Mismagius', 'votes': 39}, {'text': 'Diglett 😂 ', 'votes': 34}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 25, 16, 41, 33, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 102}


Merry Christmas Ali cats! I haven’t gotten around to all your comments yet on my last ramble but I wanted to say thank you for all the kind words. It really does mean so much to me that all of you are here and I appreciate you very much 😊 I hope you’re all having a nice Christmas and New Year as you’re reading!

For the sake of giving myself enough time to make the winner, please choose the Pokemon you’d like for an upcoming audio! ✨ Tomorrow you’ll be spending some time with my original character Padparadscha so this will be for next week ✨



haha noice


*looks at roleplay poll number.* Heh... Nice. Also Merry Christmas Ali! Hope you have a wonderful holiday and get what you want for Christmas!


Make sure you get some rest and start feeling better don’t push yourself to hard. I hope you enjoy Christmas and the new year. Padparadscha is such a unique name i had to look it up and wow that’s a beautiful gemstone your creativity is incredible I’ve never even heard of it before but it definitely is a fitting name.


Diglett for the 69th poll. It has to win lol


Merry Christmas!


Gotta be Gengar, though I'm really curious what digglett is up to lol!

Kai Zomei

Gonna root my vote for Mismagius. I love that mischievous witch ghost

Christopher Chang

Thank you so much as always Ali and happy holidays! Gotta go Gengar who carried me through yellow version


Ali Gengar? Might activate somethin....


Merry Christmas Ali! I hope you're having a great one as well!! ^_^ little bit lonely here since it's just me and my dog, but I'm starting on making a delicious stew! Oh God, I don't know who to choose, diglett for the lulz on the 69th poll.. or mismagius!! And looking forward to the audio ^_^


I have no clue about Pokemons,but I chose the Diglett because it looks funny and a bit obscene!😂😁🤭


Such a cursed number along with a good day. You could say this is a way to show you had a "dirty" santa huh?


Firstly... Nice. Secondly; Only if it's Alolan Diglett. :3 Jokes aside, difficult choice. I feel like a Mismagius would really be adorable in your artstyle with the big witch's hat; but at the same time, Gengar. The Ghost type of all Ghost types. The OG. It's time to get murked by an overtuned shadow ball. xD




Thank you BlueAsh! I hope you had a good Christmas too! :D Also for the poll number…I had to throw in something funny lol :P


Thanks so much Releo, I really appreciate that! Her name is inspired by one of my favorite manga series called Land of the Lustrous. It’s about characters made of gems and it’s really interesting! The art is gorgeous too ^_^


I did have a good Christmas, thank you! :D Kinda jealous about the stew though. I made a steak but that only last one time haha! A stew can last for days and that sounds really good. Maybe I’ll make one too ^_^


Hey, it’s not my fault- I swear this just so happens to be my 69th poll! 😂


I have so.. so much leftovers... lol btw, I used J. Kenji-Lopez's recipe But how was the steak?? Thinking about making one for new years


Merry Christmas Alichu!! Happy New Years!!

Secular Succotash

I’m from the future and although Mismagius won, Diglett was insanely close lmao oh what could have been


Perhaps one day Diglett will get her time to shine. Or as she would say, “As above, so below” 😂 That made no freaking sense but the thought of it made me laugh