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Happy Thursday everyone! I hope you are all doing well- just one more day until the weekend :) I thought I would give a little update on my busy week since something really funny happened lol. I first want to say that I've been taking some extra hours this week at work so Friday's patreon upload may be up on Saturday instead. You can see a wip of the goth girl I'm working on above :P I want to add some sort of design to her shirt so we'll see what I can come up with! 

Now onto the funny story. I was finally able to make a hair appointment to get my hair cut and as I opened my car door to leave a baby bird flew in. It took me a good 15-20 minutes to get his ass out since I think he was too scared to move. He was just standing there staring at me lol. I think he finally got the hint and just flew out but yeah, a very weird experience for sure. If I can find the picture I took I'll post it on twitter later xD For anyone curious I got my hair cut similar to Lain and it feels so much better!

I wasn't able to post a question of the week earlier, so I'll ask this now: have any of you had a weird experience similar to my own? lol. I'm thinking for next week's patreon audio I'll be doing the anglerfish since I have a really cool idea in mind for it! I also really want to draw an anglerfish girl :P



Kai Zomei

One experience of mine was when I was very young. My family was on vacation on we made a pit stop on the road. When I got done with the restroom I noticed the car wasn't around, so I looked snd waited around for then to come back. When they did, my parents mentioned that my little sister brought up that I wasn't in the car with them.


Awesome work on the goth girl so far! Yea it was about 3 years ago when winter was approaching at my parents house. My mom wanted me to bring in a flower pot that hangs from the carport so that way it wouldn’t freeze from the cold. What I didn’t know was that a little bird was in there staying warm and did not discover it till after I brought the pot into the house. Needless to say after 45 minutes of trying to use towels to gently get him out he finally flew out the front door we had opened for him to escape from. It was a crazy start to winter that year!


This happened like a year ago but I just got back from NYC and after a 2 hour drive I was pretty tired from all the hustle and bustle of being in the city. As I'm getting ready to go to bed I open my bedroom door and turn on the light. Nothing too crazy but there was a baby bat just hanging on my wall chilling there. Now a baby bat is probably cute in most circumstances but in the middle of the night that shit felt like Dracula himself personally invaded my house and decided to set up shop. I panicked for a couple minutes before deciding to grab him with a dirty t shirt and put him outside so he could be with his bat friends and family. Fun experience but everytime I go into my room I half expect a bat to just be there chilling, maybe watching anime on my computer or something lol.

Crimson command

Hmmm maybe a skull on the shirt but that shouldn't a bit to default or maybe a black with thorns. Oh wow what a coincidence I actually got my hair trimmed last week I'm trying to grow it out so I get a trim every few months I also want to dye my hair but I'm too indecisive with what color I want but I do want a neon kind of color. Hmmm I guess a similar story or funny story like yours it was in the spring semester that just passed but I was waiting for class to start so I went to use the restroom before hand and I was washing my hands I noticed there was a small lizard on the floor I thought he was dead but as I approached he moved and I freaked out I wasn't sure how he even got in the bathroom but I didn't want to leave him there as I didn't want him to die or someone kill him so after like 10mins of contemplating what to do I mustered the courage to grab him and take him outside where I then put him on a tree and he climbed away I also for some reason gave him a name I called him bossk. Bossk the friendly lizard well he also did poop on my hand which was gross but he was probably scared so it was normal so after words I just washed my hands and went to class


I know crosses are like a well established goth symbol, but having just played Raincode seeing them really makes me think of a side character from that game who is a goth nun lol. As for experiences I don't really have any of my own other than like lizards and scorpions being found around my house frequently. I do know one of my dads friends went into their backyard one day and had some rattlesnakes living under their grill. Also in high school there was several times when bees would land on me and just chill, although that may be because I was one of the few people that didn't freak out when a bumble buddy was near them. I love bees tho and I never have been stung by one so we chill. Also not my story but I was playing co-op with a group of friends recently and in the background of one of their mics a bunch of people started screaming and all they said was "Ummm, I'll be back in a second" and then were gone for like 40 minutes. We genuinely were worried that we were gonna have to figure out how to call a police report in for someone that we only know the state they live in, in regards to personal information that we know of them. However, nothing too bad had actually happened as they had come back and said that a bat had just flown into their house and they were having trouble making it leave lol.

Secular Succotash

I have a lotta strange wildlife stories from growing up in bumfuck nowhere Oklahoma haha, but one specific one comes to mind. When I was a kid, I guess 12 or so, my family took a vacation to New Mexico. One of the things we did was walk a small canyon trail down to the Rio Grande to go fishing. While I didn’t manage to catch a single fish, I did manage to reel in a water moccasin. This was a bit of an issue, as prying a fish hook from the mouth of a venomous water snake is not exactly advisable. After deliberating on how to proceed freeing the hapless danger noodle, it was apparent that our one course of action was to cut the line and leave the hook in her mouth. Kinda sad cause I can’t imagine she lived too long after that, I always loved snakes so it was upsetting to unintentionally condemn one to starvation. So yeah, that’s how child me ended up giving a venomous snake a lip piercing haha

Sir Skelington

Oh no (falls to floor) one of my many weaknesses...Goth Gurlz. I really like her hair, great it's starting to affect me again. I've had a few birds fly into the house, they certainly don't like following orders. Also had one or two snakes make it into the house, the struggles of living on the edge of a forest. None of those stories are that funny so I'll tell this one. Me, my sister, and my dad who was watching tv, my sister was playing with our dog on the floor, and I was just watching her being a doofus. Our dog was chasing some of his favorite toys, tennis balls. Our dog catches one in his mouth but starts playing with another between his paws but still tries to pick it up with his teeth. So my sister says "Too many balls not enough mouths"... She immediately (with a concerned smile) looks at me with a face that said don't you dare laugh because then I might have to explain why your dying laughing.


Maybe he was bounty-hunting... haha. Cool story though, nice of you to chuck 'em back outside.


That Twitter post was hilarious! That is a MEAN design right there!~ I remember once, I was sleeping-in on a weekend when suddenly a series of noises woke me up. At first, it sounded like crunching newspaper. I whipped out my phone as soon as I saw what it was. A lil' birdy managed to somehow fly through my cracked-open window. I still have the video, it happened on 20 March 2022 8:47am.


Oh no! Thank goodness your sister caught on quick haha! I've never had that happen, but I've had plenty of cases where my parents would lose me in a store. Sometimes it would be me to walk off but a lot of times I think my mom thought I was following her and I wasn't lol xD


Haha, that's really cute! I bet the bird was pretty happy he got to be in a warm house for a little while lol. After his stay he was like alright, I'm out- too many humans! xD


Ngl, that would have scared this living hell out of me. As cute as bats are I would have freaked out for sure lol. Was he hanging upside down all creepy like with his wings wrapped around him? I bet he thought he had it made until you came back haha! He was probably thinking what a cozy room you had. As for my bird situation, I thought about using a shirt I had in my backseat, but the poor little guy looked so terrified I was afraid to touch him. He finally got the hint and just flew off. I'm really glad he didn't poop in my car, that would have been a whole other mess to worry about xD


A neon hair color would be super cool! Maybe a blue or red? Or even green. Honestly, I think any neon color would be good choice :D I was thinking about bleaching some of my hair but after some thought I just wanted it cut. My hair is way too thick for summer weather. That was really nice of you to save the lizard! I'm sure he was very thankful for that too. I've had a few tiny lizards get into my place somehow. I always put them outside since I know they will catch and eat all the bugs for me hehe :P


I think I remember you bringing up Raincode before! It's the same artist/creator that made Donganropa if I'm remembering correctly? As for bees, one got me really bad as a kid so I'm pretty scared of them xD To be fair, it was my fault I was stung. My stupid ass was running outside barefoot so I'm sure you can piece together what happened. RIP the bottom of my foot lol. I've heard so many stories of people having birds and bats flying into their house- I guess I should be happy I've only had one fly into my car! I can only imagine the pain and annoyance that comes with trying to get it out of a house. I'm sure it's similar to a fly that just doesn't get the hint despite the window being wide open.


Danger noodle- that gave me a good laugh xD I get where you're coming from. I hate to see animals hurt but I think you all made the right call. With something venomous it's best to not take your chances. On the bright side though, I think catching a snake outweighs any fish in terms of coolness, so you were the winner that day in who had the best catch!


Too many balls, not enough mouths! I'm going to remember that one. That really gave me a good laugh, thanks for sharing that! xD Those types of comments are the absolute best lol. Also, I really relate to the struggle of living on the edge of the woods. I still remember growing up and seeing possum come up and eat my cat's food. They would always be hunched over the bowl looking up at the door as I stared at it. Mean little things they are lol.


Haha, maybe he figured it was time for you to wake up and decided to be your alarm clock that day lol xD Did you manage to get him out, or did he just fly away on his own?


He flew out on his own. Was only flying around my room for like 20 seconds. Haha

Kai Zomei

I had a situation like that too as a kid. XD I basically got distracted at a toy store at a mall, and my mom was searching for me while I was just playing with the toys the store had available for you to try.


Yeah it is, I think it may be the entire same team that worked on them as the artbook has notes from several artists and a writer of Danganronpa. I'll throw a link to what she looks like down below, I couldn't a perfect picture as she only in the game for like a few minutes total but this was the highest quality one I could find. I think it's understandable to be afraid of bees, or anything really, if you were hurt by them as a kid. Sometimes they don't even need to hurt you, I had a little gartenr snake crawl (slither?) on my leg as a child when I wasn't expecting it and it has made me deathly afraid of snakes as an adult. I still watch a lot of videos about snakes tho, I just don't want them anywhere near me lol. Yeah, flying creatures do seems to want to hang out for a bit every once in a while. Reading through your comments and twitter post it seems your encounter was relatively painless though, so that's good. You should have tried using a few Poke balls tho, you could have had a new friend. Nun: https://www.spike-chunsoft.com/wp-content/uploads/05-6.jpg


Wow, I like how she looks! Shame she doesn't get much screen time. I swear it's always the side characters that end up looking really cool in games haha! xD At one point I feel like game designers do it on purpose.


Yeah I agree, but in this particular case almost everyone in their games have pretty great designs so there's just not enough screen time to go around lol.