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Hello everyone, I hope you're all enjoying your weekend so far! :) Apologies for those who don't or haven't played WoW, but I hope in some way maybe these stories can give you a chuckle :P For those who do: Alliance or Horde? 



WoW! Would you recommend?


I do enjoy kitchen nightmares, and Gordon’s the man! My buddy nico works for one of his restaurants. Also video game can make some crazy fun memories. Always best to play with friends! In my experience, I would rarely play a solo player nowadays


For the Horde! Although I think I mentioned this a while ago but I only played a little bit of WoW as a blood elf and defiantly not any time recently so I'm basically just a poser lol. However I do still really like the horde regardless and alliance is smelly. You're story about the person thinking you got gold through "alternative" means reminded me that me and my friend ran a lot of scams in OSRS as kids cause they had a female character. It's crazy how easy it used to be but I think people are at least a little smarter now. I really enjoyed the other stories too, messing with other players in any multiplayer game is really fun!

Crimson command

I watched hells kitchen alot my uncle is super into it and loves Gordon ramesy alot so he got me into to it so I do go back to it often more as like background when I'm doing something. As for the whole WoW part yeah I was basically completely lost but it's still fun hearing your stories I always enjoy even if I don't understand WoW but I'd sure love to try it one of these days. I do myself play games similar to WoW well it's more just RP games but I get you im a super grinder I will lose track of time very quick like I could end up playing till 3am and I'm like oh no why did I stay up so long then feel like a zombie the next day lol

Sir Skelington

Alichu in the videos: I hope you're doing well. Alichu in WoW: Your pain amuses me.

Secular Succotash

I admit I am not WoW player, sacrilege as an Alichu fan I know. I still like hearing the stories though, they’re pretty fun! Glad to hear you and your guild eventually brought justice to Shades. Though, maybe I shouldn’t be too happy about that considering you yourself sound like an absolute gremlin in WoW haha, guess I gotta bias for you though Actually when it comes to Spencer’s, in my high school band, it was a lil’ bit of a right of passage to make the freshman go into the back of Spencer’s, after which we would laugh at their embarrassment. Anyone who’s been in that store and knows what’s in the back knows exactly what I’m talking about lol, lil’ bit of hazing but fun times. Can definitely relate to the productivity thing, I’m basically the same with any single player RPG. Also it’s funny you talked about a character named Stirfried, considering I literally made a chicken a stirfry just a few hours ago for my weekly meal prep


WoW is a hard game for me to recommend to people. As much as I love it, I understand it's very difficult for new players to get into- at least with the retail version. And not because it's difficult or anything, but Blizzard makes the story so incredibly difficult to follow for a new person coming into the game. If you want to try it, I recommend playing WoW classic or if they have a trial version maybe that first! :)


That's so neat! My goal is to eat at one of his restaurants one day, I can only imagine how good it is <3 As for being a solo player, I usually play a lot by myself haha! In the case of WoW classic, some things are very difficult to do on your own- or I just suck...it's probably the later xD


I like the Horde aesthetic better for sure. When I first started playing, I only picked Alliance because that's what some friends were at the time, and because Night Elves :P Oh boy, don't even get me started on my OSRS gold making days. I was young but even then I was a greedy sucker for gold lol.


I'm very bad at losing track of time playing games. It feels like I just sit down to play and then I look over and it's six hours later. No wonder my eyes are so bad lol. I'm glad you enjoyed the ramble! While I'm not playing WoW at the moment, I know it's only a matter of time before I go back >:)


I’ve never played WoW, so that makes you a lot better than me lol Only two games I really play anymore are Minecraft and Fortnite… guess I just have a thing for building 😂


It's alright that you don't play! In fact, be happy that you don't because it will literally steal months if not years from you xD I'm never going to forget Shades. To add insult to injury he would always wait until you were busy or killing something else- a true POS just like me lol. One of my coworkers used to work at Spencers. She definitely had some funny stories to share about that place. Love your right of passage story btw, that gave me a good chuckle xD Ngl, every now and then I check to see if they are hiring. I love my current job but my burning curiosity wants to work there too just to know what it's like. I guess it's probably not that much different. Other than the...stuff in the back lol. Stirfries are the perfect meal prep option in my opinion- easy and delicious!


Yeah, all of my friends wanted to play Horde so I that's why I chose them at first and then I also chose Blood Elf as we had started playing right as Burning Crusade had come out. And then after I stopped playing I would watch people like Asmongold and see some of the cool thing that happen with Horde in the story. Ye, I didn't run or participate in as many scams as my friend but I do remember saving up from all sources of income to finally buy a full set of dragon armor and that was a great time for me as a kid lol.